Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Where are you marketing?

I have been enjoying the beautiful community of Helena, Montana. It is a wonderful community. The people are some of the friendliest I have had the opportunity to meet.

As I have been getting to know some of the business owners and residents what I notice is how aware everyone is of the power of relationships, both personal and professional.

As change happens at an ever increasing rate, one of the most important things we can rely on are the quality of our relationships.

Today, commit to do what you can to improve the quality of your relationships.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful invention it is, this thing we call the Internet!

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Anonymous said...

Excellent hotel internet marketing articlre.
Keep up the great hotel internet marketing blog. I find it very informative. I check back soon
Thanks again for a great and informative hotel internet marketing articlre.

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Intresting Post
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Good Marketing information.

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More business marketing information you can use.

Anonymous said...

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